Create your first Word 2013 document

Organization: Love Your LMS

Created by: eLeaP Team


Learn how to use Word 2013. Get started with the new version to see how to do everyday tasks.

Used with permission from Microsoft.

Start using Word (4:06)
The best way to learn about Word 2013 is to start using it.

Save and move on (1:45)
In this video, learn how to save your document to prevent losing all of your hard work, and find out how to print your document.

Add some formatting (3:03)
Formatting is all about adding visual touches to a document to make it easier to read and look more appealing.

Insert some things (3:05)
This video shows you how to make your presentation more visually interesting by inserting things like pictures and tables, and how to make your text line up with the things you insert.

Headers, margins and more (2:58)
In this video, we’re just going add a few finishing touches to our document.

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