Legal and Ethical Review for EMS

Organization: Emergency Services Education

Created by: Shane Driver NRP, FP-C


Instructor Shane Driver walks you through and explains all of those legal and ethical buzz words.  A thorough understanding of how the EMSP should protect themselves is imperitive.  This module focuses on State of Alabama EMSP language and Rules.


Alabama OEMST 1.0 CME 17-R1-0041, 18-R1-930019-R1-9300, 20-R1-9300, 21-R1-9300, 22-R1-9300, 23-R1-9300, 24-R1-9300


 Understand and apply the legal terms:


  • Duty
  • Negligence
  • Abandonment
  • Consent
  • Confidentiality
  • Refusal
  • Reporting
  • Ethics



Download Sample Medical Legal and Ethics Online.pdf ~ (221.30 kb)

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